
A run-down of the top six open calls for design awards and competitions, in Diariodesign

Magazine: Diariodesign Nazione: Spagna Articolo: “Gli Open Call dei migliori concorsi di design e di architettura 2022” Autore: redazione Diariodesign Foto: courtesy Diariodesign
A run-down of the top six open calls for design awards and competitions, in Diariodesign

In the run-up to the 60th edition of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, which will host the SaloneSatellite Award – the competition that promotes contact between young designers and the exhibiting companies – the Spanish magazine Diariodesign reports that “even when the world grinds to a halt, design, architecture and interior design competitions go ahead. 2022 starts with six open calls for the top competitions within the sector” (read here the complete article)


Magazine: Diariodesign

Country: Spain

Article: Open calls for the top 2022 design and architecture competitions

Author: Diariodesign editorial team

Photo/s: Courtesy of Diariodesign

3 February 2022