ELLE Decor Italia

Milano Design Stories makes its debut with a 3-day film review devoted to the icons of design, narrating design in a fluid and multidisciplinary approach that also includes other forms of culture and knowledge

Elle Decor Italia
Milano Design Stories makes its debut with a 3-day film review devoted to the icons of design, narrating design in a fluid and multidisciplinary approach that also includes other forms of culture and knowledge

“It starts by harnessing the seventh art, with the review Le Icone del Design al Cinema. Italia 1960-1990 / Icons of Design at the Cinema. Italy 1960-1990, curated by Silvia Robertazzi and Porzia Bergamasco for Hearst Italia, from an idea by Emilio Neri Tremolada. The marathon – split into six sections that trace an ideal timeline – is being hosted by Milan’s ADI Design Museum, at No. 1 Piazza Compasso d'Oro, on Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd October. The choice of location is highly appropriate: the concept is perfectly reflected in the Piazza Compasso d'Oro space, which is a gatherer of and testament to the value (not least historic) of design”read here the full article.


Magazine: Elledecor.it 

Country: Italy 

Date: 10th October 2022 

Article: Design meets Cinema.  An unmissable film marathon in Milan 

Photo: Paolo Deganello tells the Superonda, by Emilio Neri Tremolada, courtesy Hearst 

21 October 2022